Google on Wednesday, released an update to its Chrome browser which addressed five vulnerabilities in the application. Four were rated to be at High-risk while the other one was tagged as Critical.
The update released on Chrome 57.0.2987.133 was released for Windows, Linux and Mac users just a few weeks after the version 57 of the browser was released. The previous version had patches for almost 36 vulnerabilities.
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The vulnerabilities fixed in this new version includes; a free vulnerability in printing regarded as a critical bug. This issue was discovered by Wadih mater who got a $9,337 bounty for the discovery.
Other flaws fixed in the update includes a Heap buffer overflow in V8 which is one of the four high risk flaws. The Heap buffer flaw was discovered by Nicolas tripper from Zimperium zlabs and was awarded a $3,000 bounty. JeongHoon was awarded a $1,000 bounty for discovering a cast in Blink.
The other two flaws included an out of bounds memory access in the V8 (CVE-2017-5053) discovered by the team Sniper (Keen Lab and PC Mgr) and reported through the ZDI (ZDI-CAN-4587). The last patched flaw is a use after free in the Blink (CVE-2017-5056), discovered by an anonymous researcher. Bounties paid for these two flaws weren't made public by Google.
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Late January this year, Google announced that it was dropping support for Chrome 53 and below which meant that users on Windows XP and Vista platform wouldn't be affected since the Chrome 49 was the version of Chrome that supported their platform.
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