There are so may ways to access the internet for free. So many tricks and configuration of different types that it would be almost impossible for you not to get a free internet connection. Below is the part1 post on how to browse the web free, no need to go and buy any eBook on free browsing because with the little knowledge below, you can get what you want. Those tricks below works on Airtel, Docomo, Etisalat, Bsnl, Aircel, orange, Safaricom, Du and virtually on all networks. Before we proceed, they are some terms you need to know.
HOST: A host is a free website of a network provider or ISP (Internet Service Provider) in which you can access or browse on for free at zero balance. Some hosts of our ISP's are their home pages like,, etc and they open or can be browsed upon with zero data subscription. You can also check some links sent to you from ISP advertising some products, most of these links are free to access.
PORTS: A port is a medium or portal in which information is sent to and fro between your computer and other networks. We need ports to browse the web and to also browse free, we need open ports. Lets take a house as an example. To get access into a house, we would need the doors and windows, and so when the owner of the house shut the doors and the windows, we can not access the house unless we look for another door or window that is open and so is a port. The doors and windows in this scenario are the ports, once our Internet Service Provider (ISP) closes them, we cant have access to free internet unless we look for other ports on our ISP that are open.
PORTS: A port is a medium or portal in which information is sent to and fro between your computer and other networks. We need ports to browse the web and to also browse free, we need open ports. Lets take a house as an example. To get access into a house, we would need the doors and windows, and so when the owner of the house shut the doors and the windows, we can not access the house unless we look for another door or window that is open and so is a port. The doors and windows in this scenario are the ports, once our Internet Service Provider (ISP) closes them, we cant have access to free internet unless we look for other ports on our ISP that are open.
- UDP Ports: They are very fast and if they are open on a network, they can be browsed on directly for free i.e you can scan for open ports on droid vpn and if there's is any, you can use those ports to browse for free. examples of such ports are 53, 9201, 9200 etc
- TCP Ports: They are fast but when compared to UDP, they are a bit slow. Now TCP ports shouldn't be seen as ineffective because of its comparison with UDP ports. Now to get free internet on a TCP ports, we use this simple format: Host + open ports + working proxy = Free internet.
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PROXY: Now before i explain what a proxy is, you would also want to know what an IP is.
An IP is an address attached to every computer. So when we use the computer to browse the web, any body can use our IP to our details like our location, country, the device that we are using tom browse on na d so many other things. Now a Proxy is also an IP but it becomes a proxy when we use it to hide our real IP address. click here for more information on proxy
1. Host Method:
This is an old trick and though my ISP have discovered and blocked it but its still worth a try on other ISPs.
As I've said before, a host is a free web page site of our ISP which you can browse or access for free with zero credit balance. To use this method, get any freesite and try the below procedures (i would be using as a free site)
This is one of the best part when it comes to free browsing because ic IP, youn would be able to browse unlimitedly and your data wont be capped. The best part of this trick is that you can use that same IP to browse free even for years because those ones are not easily blocked by our ISP.
Now press ok and when the app starts scanning , you would see some broken lines on your screen moving to your right. Scanning of ports usually takes 3-6mins but you can leave it to scan for open portsto
the maximum so as not to miss out on any udp or tcp ports.
I remember some time ago this year, download was a was freepage on my network and so to bypass it, i scanned for open ports and i got this; 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 589, 993, 995, 2077 blah blah blah and believe me, those that knew really made a good job of it.
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Tunnelling apps for free internet:
An IP is an address attached to every computer. So when we use the computer to browse the web, any body can use our IP to our details like our location, country, the device that we are using tom browse on na d so many other things. Now a Proxy is also an IP but it becomes a proxy when we use it to hide our real IP address. click here for more information on proxy
1. Host Method:
This is an old trick and though my ISP have discovered and blocked it but its still worth a try on other ISPs.
As I've said before, a host is a free web page site of our ISP which you can browse or access for free with zero credit balance. To use this method, get any freesite and try the below procedures (i would be using as a free site)
- Host. Anysite; In this method, you would input your freesite in the url bar of your browser followed by dot(.) and then you can input anysite after to browse upon and you ISP would think that you are browsing on the freesite while you are actually browse on another site for free. example of such; and below are similar tricks too
- Host/anysite;
- Host@anysite;
This is one of the best part when it comes to free browsing because ic IP, youn would be able to browse unlimitedly and your data wont be capped. The best part of this trick is that you can use that same IP to browse free even for years because those ones are not easily blocked by our ISP.
- Trick 1; Go to and get a working proxy with green bars, select those on port 80 or 8080 and configure configure your device with the ip and use your default browser to browse. Your free page must be your home page.
- Trick 2; This trick involves port scanning on the free web page (host) to make use of open ports to bypass our ISP firewall. This section is widely discussed below so scroll down to get the details.
3. Tunneling method:
This method is the best of all and it works well if you if you follow my procedures right. This method involves apps that tunnels our connection to bypass our ISP firewall and gain free internet.
Some of these tunneler apps needs open ports onyour internet connection and through it, they can bypass our ISP fireawll to gain free internet. Now lets look at the procedures on how to get open ports on our internet connection.
Port scanner:
Like i said before, the internet can be seen as a house while our ISP can be seen as the caretaker to the house and the doors and windows to the house can be seen as the ports. Now if our ISP(caretaker) closes the doors and windows(ports) to the house(internet), we wont be able to access the house(internet) unless we look for other doors or windows(ports) that are open to which our ISP doesn't know about. Now port scanners are used for just that, they are used to scan for open ports on our free web sites/ Hosts.
PC users: PC users should download the port scanner through any of the links and please note that each link contains a different port scanner.( The below apps are different and their names are not port scanners! i recommend the ones below)
Link 1 for port scanning app 02 download :
Link 2 for port port scanning app download:
Android users: This port scanning app scans for open ports, ssl scan, ping on ipv4, tcp and lot more. You dont need any data subscription for it to work because it works on zero credit balance, but your data connection must be on.
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Click on the image below to visit our new website for more tricks!
Click here to download app for scanning port, download and open the app. you would see a space and in the space you would see "Enter host name or ip", now type your freesite that you use for accessing the internet without data subscription. Remember not to type https:\\,www or http:\\ along with the web address. Now click on port range and input the following;
First port: 50
Last port; 9000
Time out: 2000
Show only open ports: tick it

the maximum so as not to miss out on any udp or tcp ports.
I remember some time ago this year, download was a was freepage on my network and so to bypass it, i scanned for open ports and i got this; 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 589, 993, 995, 2077 blah blah blah and believe me, those that knew really made a good job of it.
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Tunnelling apps for free internet:
- Hex vpn: It is a very powerful tunneling app and with it, you can easily bypass your ISP restriction and easily create a loophole on their firewall. Now with these all set and done, i guess its time for a payback on your ISP! and please don't get it wrong, the name of this app is not Hex vpn i just gave it that name. Android and Pc users should click here to download it
- Droid vpn: This app shouldn't sound new to your ears because i believe most of you know it when it comes to free browsing. Droid vpn can be used for several purposes such as bypassing internet filtering, opening blocked sites, compression of data on android device for those who are using data subscription. Those who wants to browse for free can also use the app to scan any open udp port and start surfing for free, but when it doesn't dictates any pen ports on your connection , that is when you have to configure it manually to browse free because they are so many ways to make it browse for free. Always remember to use this app with zero credit balance on your sim if you want to use it to browse free. The link to the full tutorial on how to use droid vpn to gain free internet is just below. Click here to download Droid vpn . Click here to get the full tutorial on how to use Droid vpn to bypass ISP firewall to gain free internet!
- Tunnel Guru: Tunnel guru is an app that tunnels your connection through https, proxy, icmp, Dns so as to bypass our ISP restrictive firewall to gain free internet. It has a daily limit of 100mb for free users while premium users can browse with it unlimitedly and it powers all apps. Click here to download tunnel Guru.
- Your-Freedom app: I know you all must have been waiting impaitiently when i didnt mention your-freedom tunneling app.Your-freedom is an app that tunnels your connection to the internet and allow its users to browse free not minding the country that you come from. Thats just its purpose, free browsing.It is one of the most popular of these tunnelling apps. it also hides your location and does other things but its main aim is free browsing Free uses have a weekly browsing limit to their browsing while premuim users can browse unlimitedly. But free uses are not to worry because as your-freedom app tunnels and bypasses our ISP firewall, i also created a loop hole in their app and bypassed their restriction and as such, i get unrestricted internet connection like a premuim user!
I would be dropping the second part of this post and the second part would contain more apps and tutorials.
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Click on the image below to visit our new website for more tricks!
Join our social channels; Facebook Page and Telegram Channel for more posts like this. Remember to leave your thoughts on today's list of apps below in the comment section.
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please the links u provided for the ports scanning are not working so please kindly help me with some port scanning programs.thanks
Tnx bro. the droid vpn tutorial trick worked using those open ports as you said in the tutorial. i used the second method and a got free internet but am having difficulties in making my connection stable. pls help me out.
What settings did you use for it and whats your ISP
The links are working perfectly
we live in myanmar telenor is blocked yourfreedom vpn cilent server deleted. we used to
way another therefore we request you to use yourfreedom vpn cilent to get.
Why should you tunnel every download through surveys which are not even available in Kenya
Hello pappi, thanks for this very useful information. If you managed to get any free ports for safaricom please hook me up on Thanks
you'r the man, very comprehensive information about all tricks available for free net world :) thanks
Hello papi do u hv any setting for free internet in south africa
Great work Pappi. Kudos.
Hi Pappi great work please can u add me on your whatsapp pls +2348187453404
Hey, the links to the download are not working. Any helps?
If u could add me to whatsapp group I would appreciate it 08060561151.
Port scanning app name is Ping & DNS ... Just google Ping & DNS apk and you will find it. Here is a direct download link:
add me in whatsapp group pliz
my isp killed the apn proxy after they found out it made free browsing possible, how can i find another ip (magic ip) to get free access again. coz the old one gives a forbidden error message.
My question really is how can i scan my isp to get all the proxies that give free internet?
unable to complete human verification to get download link for full tutorial on how to configure droidvpn for free Internet. I am from Kenya.
Hello Mr hex the survey is not available in zambia. Can you please help me and email me the port scanning apps : please help. You are the best.
After scanning the open ports on a free site how do you configure it to browse on psiphon?
Where and how do you put the values ?
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