Samsung Electronics has confirmed that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 would return to the market as a refurbished device and would only be available in the regions where the device passes the approvals from regulatory agencies.
The South Korean company also said that returned Note 7 units which can no longer be saved or reused would be torn into components and parts such as the camera modules, semi-conductors would be used for test sample productions purposes. Precious metal leftover components such as Gold, copper and nickel will be recycled and extracted in an environmentally-friendly manner. All these would be handled by companies that specializes in such services.
Samsung's intentions are to sale the Galaxy Note 7 as a refurbished or rental devices where deemed. Samsung in its new press release didn't make available the price, release date nor did they say if the refurbished Note 7 would differ in any way different from the original, though all these would be made available at a later date as stated in the press release.
However, rumors surrounding the Note 7 suggests that the refurbished device would come with a trimmed-down 3,000 or 3,200 mAH battery so as to create space between the internal components and battery, thus eliminating chances of any fire-related issues from arriving. Other features such as the S Pen stylus, 5.7-inch Super AMOLED 2560 x 1440 resolution display, finger print scanner, iris scanner, heart rate monitor and others would remain intact.
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