Android phone users love to explore and have something to distinguish their android device from others. Today i will teach you how to have rounded corners on your android device.
Having rounded corners or curves on your android gives it a sleek and neat look which makes it to stand out different among other android devices. The elegant look of this feature has made Samsung to include it in their up coming Galaxy S8 device. Few years back, the only android device that had rounded corners were those running Xiaomi's MIUI ROM.
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To get started, simply follow the below procedures and make your Android device have a rounded corner. This simple trick doesnt require root and it wont take you up to 5mins!
1. Click here to download Cornerfly for free
2. Install the app and open it
3. Next enable it to switch to "system overlay"
4. The next step is the "Accessibility Service", locate and select Cornerfly and then "enable" the switch from the top and then press "ok"
5. Now click the back button to take you back to the app and then ensure that the switch in the right corner of the app is enabled.
Note: Cornerfly by default rounds the corner of just your device at the button background, it does not round the corner of your navigation bar unless you click for it to be done.
6. To enable all your apps to have a curved edge, click the icon at the top right corner of your screen (while still in the app) and then tick tick "enabled". Remeber to untick "overlay Statusbar" and "Overlay navigationbar"
7. Now exit and see the beautiful new look your phone has acquired.
Remember to white list the app in your battery saver apps and booster.
Also Read: How to take partial screenshot on your Android device
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